Dear Reader,
Bear with me while I muddle through something and feel free to comment on anything in these next few lines.
First, we know that it is in our weakest moments that God is strong. We know that we can't be strong in and of ourselves, we need the strength of Christ to live (1 Cor 1:25; 2 Cor 12:9-10). So, since God's strength is our ONLY certain and constant source strength, and since His strength is perfected through our weakness, doesn't it seem to follow that our goal, as Christians, should be to strive to be as weak in ourselves as possible? To constantly remain soft, malleable, and vulnerable, and to increase our dependence on Him?
Now, seeing that, is it fair to say that the mark of true success in our Christian walk is not how confident, or strong we feel, whether in doing what we should, or in NOT doing what we shouldn't, but rather the mark of our success is how unsure of ourselves, and weak we feel? The truly successful Christian is one that is striving to be broken and humble, so when we begin to feel that we're "doing good" that should be a danger sign that we may not be fighting our pride the way we should.
How Much of Christianity Remains a Secret?
[image: How Much of Christianity Remains a Secret?]
How much of the Christian faith has already been revealed to us now, and
how much of it remains a secre...
20 hours ago